Stop spinning your wheels with my Stress-Busting Morning Reset

Get your copy here!

Dance your way into

Let’s dance!

as seen in:

Stress, pain, anxiety and depression can all make life feel gray, but—

You deserve to live in color

So what if I told you…

…you can release painful emotions so they don’t remain stuck in your body, adversely affecting your life?

…you can get more comfortable in your body, build your confidence and learn to prioritize your own wellbeing ? 

…the self-love and transformation you’ve been looking for in books, talk therapy, and meditation can finally be unlocked simply by moving your body?

Would you be willing to move to your inner music?

If you knew that Conscious Dance could ease your anxiety, restore your confidence and help you release the stored trauma & emotions that are holding you back from joy…

Yes, I’m ready. Show me how!

So many of us have been taught to see dance as just another thing we have to learn to do “right”. 

But did you know that:

Dance helps you reach your top performance, unlock peak productivity and enter your highest creative state? 

In a study by UCLA, 98% of individuals with depression, anxiety, or trauma reported significant therapeutic effects from engaging in Conscious Dance, and

The flow state you can access via dance can help you manage anxiety, depression and chronic pain as you reconnect with your emotions (Dance has even been proven to manage depression better than SSRIs!)

“Me? Dance?! Yeah right!”

If you have inhibitions, you’re not alone

You might think dance isn’t for you, but the truth is:

You were born with the knowledge that movement feels good. 

You just need to tune back into your body's innate wisdom. 

And it helps to have a masterful guide who can show you how…

Jacia’s clarity and kindness has irrevocably changed my life for the better 

–  Michael Hofstetter

 “I think it is a rare thing to encounter nowadays a whole human being. One who has fully stepped into their own self and offers their presence in the ways the elders of the past might have done.

Jacia’s clarity and kindness has irrevocably changed my life for the better and no amount of words could describe my gratitude.  

Practical, insightful, sensitive, and sincere, Jacia radiates joy, love, peace and wisdom, and like a plant in the sun, I grew.”

Don't miss out on Jacia's masterful guidance!

– Dr. Kari Allan Hammer

“Jacia's magic is pure liberation! Her expertise and remarkable presence illuminate the path out of darkness. I count myself blessed to have worked with her. 

Through deep healing and transformative practices like Rhythms of AcceptDance, Sweat your Prayers, and Jacia’s transformative workshops, I shed layers of fear and emotional pain. My true radiance, confidence, and love for life has emerged. Don't miss out on Jacia's masterful guidance!

Dive in now and experience profound transformation by working with a truly gifted practitioner.”

Hi, I’m Jacia Kornwise, and I’m known as the master of moving your mojo!

At 27 years old, I was the victim of a horrific violent crime. Less than 24 hours later, I got on a stage and danced.

Of course, some of my friends were worried I was having an extreme stress response.

But the truth is—

I’d been using dance my entire life to survive.

Master Embodied Soul Coach, TEDx Speaker, Award Winning, Best-Selling Author and Transformational Experience Facilitator

Learn about my story 

Start your day right with my Stress Busting Morning Reset

This quick and easy morning routine is designed to get your body moving and your intuition talking so you can feel great (and stay relaxed) all day long. 

Hit the Reset Button

Stress Busting Morning Reset


[Jacia’s] compassion and supportive responses helped me feel seen and heard.

– Amber cook

“Working with Jacia is a unique therapeutic experience, as she uses somatic techniques to help pull emotion out of stored areas in your body or to ground intense emotions.  

Her compassion and supportive responses helped me feel seen and heard. I highly recommend working with her!”

I walk away [from Jacia’s workshops] feeling joyful, present in my body and connected to others.

– Tammy Ashba

“I have worked for many years to try to find relief from complex PTSD. The trauma that was stored in my body had prevented me from enjoying life and being present in my body. 

I’ve tried many things, but the greatest relief and healing has come through somatic work. Meeting Jacia and practicing the 5 Rhythms and Rhythms of AcceptDance with her has been transformative. 

I walk away [from Jacia’s workshops] feeling joyful, present in my body and connected to others. I highly recommend Jacia as a teacher in the ways of this medicine.”

3 Ways We Can Work Together from Anywhere Towards Your Best Life, Best Health, Best Self


Grounding Your Way through


A 6-week DIY course to help you move from fear to freedom with simple daily movement exercises, grounding exercises, breathwork and meditative/awareness exercises. So that you're ready to face anything you're going through. 

Start here for a taste of safely landing in your body in under 10 minutes a day. 

Let’s go!


Rise Up &


Move your body, connect with your soul and dance into the essence of who you are. 

For individuals who are ready for deep transformation through daily dance, journaling, guided meditation and weekly coaching, my signature program, Rise Up & Dance, is the fastest, most effective way to get results.

Learn More


Embody your 


Following the 4-step framework laid out in The Love Ball Game, let me lead you through a 6-month weekly individualized coaching journey customized to get you to your first home run.

…for those who want to transform their lives through multiple modalities, including Conscious Dance, and have the full depth of Jacia’s laser-focused attention to themselves. 

Work with Jacia 1:1

Join me          in Chico, California for these In-Person Events



Transformational Breathwork Journey

I offer a live, transformational breathwork journey on select Thursdays from 6:30-9:30 pm PT. 

Treat yourself to this evening activity and I guarantee you will feel renewed and reconnected!

The hours you spend here will refresh you better than a Netflix movie and a glass of wine ever could—and your nervous system will thank you for taking this time off to recharge. 

Claim my spot


Wake Up and Dance

Looking for a powerful, intentional and energetic way to start your day? 

Join us Thursday mornings from 8:55 to 10 am. 

We’ll begin by setting an intention, and then we move through 20 minutes of the Body Part practice, followed by 25 minutes of freeform dance and creative time, before concluding with a relaxation meditation.

This 1 hour class will guarantee you have a more positive, connected start to your day.   

Claim my spot


Sweat Your Prayers

Come let loose and connect with your body & soul in this 5Rhythms Dance Practice that takes place at 10 am on select Sunday mornings.

The music will guide you to land in your body, open your heart, and connect with your movements as you feel, express and release the energy & emotions stored within your body. 

These sessions offer you an incredible way to start your Sunday mornings! 


Please note that with the exception of Wake Up and Dance, the events listed above are live, in-person events hosted at the Satori Healing Center in Chico, California. These sessions are not recorded. 
Please do not book a spot if you cannot attend live. 
There are no refunds for live events.

Here’s what becomes possible when you get back in your body and boogie:

Adding a dance-based movement practice to your day will help you:

Access + release emotions you’ve had locked away for years

Step into your full authority as a leader

Show up with brilliant energy & unmistakable authenticity the next time you’re in the spotlight

Feel better-than-ever in your body without risk of injury—even while you recover from chronic pain

Feel more JOY daily by connecting your body & mind

Gain full access to your creativity when you stop expecting perfection!

Become more decisive because you’ve learned how to listen to your inner wisdom and trust the calls you make

It’s Time to Dance Yourself Home ●
It’s Time to Dance Yourself Home ●
It’s Time to Dance Yourself Home ●
It’s Time to Dance Yourself Home ●
It’s Time to Dance Yourself Home ●
It’s Time to Dance Yourself Home ●
It’s Time to Dance Yourself Home ●
It’s Time to Dance Yourself Home ●
It’s Time to Dance Yourself Home ●
It’s Time to Dance Yourself Home ●
It’s Time to Dance Yourself Home ●
It’s Time to Dance Yourself Home ●
It’s Time to Dance Yourself Home ●
It’s Time to Dance Yourself Home ●
It’s Time to Dance Yourself Home ●
It’s Time to Dance Yourself Home ●
It’s Time to Dance Yourself Home ●
It’s Time to Dance Yourself Home ●
It’s Time to Dance Yourself Home ●
It’s Time to Dance Yourself Home ●
It’s Time to Dance Yourself Home ●
It’s Time to Dance Yourself Home ●
It’s Time to Dance Yourself Home ●
It’s Time to Dance Yourself Home ●
It’s Time to Dance Yourself Home ●
It’s Time to Dance Yourself Home ●
It’s Time to Dance Yourself Home ●
It’s Time to Dance Yourself Home ●
It’s Time to Dance Yourself Home ●
It’s Time to Dance Yourself Home ●
It’s Time to Dance Yourself Home ●
It’s Time to Dance Yourself Home ●
It’s Time to Dance Yourself Home ●
It’s Time to Dance Yourself Home ●
It’s Time to Dance Yourself Home ●
It’s Time to Dance Yourself Home ●
It’s Time to Dance Yourself Home ●
It’s Time to Dance Yourself Home ●
It’s Time to Dance Yourself Home ●
It’s Time to Dance Yourself Home ●
It’s Time to Dance Yourself Home ●
It’s Time to Dance Yourself Home ●
It’s Time to Dance Yourself Home ●
It’s Time to Dance Yourself Home ●
It’s Time to Dance Yourself Home ●