Hi, I’m Jacia Kornwise

I’m known as the Master of Moving your Mojo!

Hello, fellow seeker! 

For as long as I can remember, I’ve moved my body to express how I feel. 

When I was little, my grandma noticed me bouncing away and showed me how to move my little body to get my anxiety out. 

As I grew up in a family (and culture) that kept telling me to be someone other than me, 
dancing continued to feel like the only way I could truly connect with myself body & soul.  

And as I’ve experienced multiple traumatic events through my life, it has consistently been dance that’s made it possible to stay connected to who I truly am.

I’m not a trained dancer. In fact, I’ve never cared much about form or technique.
I dance to express what I’m feeling, to let my stress & anxiety drift away, to reconnect with my body when I don’t want to listen to the thoughts in my head. 

I dance to be with the real me. 

And I’m here to show you how dance can unlock the door for you to meet the real you… 

Show me how you can help

Your seeking soul is welcome here!

Maybe you’ve lived through trauma…

Maybe you just want to move. 

Either way, you’re here because you’re curious about the benefits of Conscious Dance—especially when paired with other practices like breathwork, mindfulness, and meditation. 

If you want to release the blocks that are holding you back and dance your way into the embodiment of your highest potential, you’re in the right place.

In the aftermath, I tried everything: therapy, somatic experiencing, yoga, meditation, talking with dear friends… 

Yet I continued to re-experience repetitive painful memories. 

The only thing that kept me sane was dancing. 

Luckily, I had been boogying to survive my entire life. 

During a deeply traumatic, violent attack, my mind split open to stay sane

The fact is 37% of people who suffer this type of crime choose suicide— The rest deal with painful PTSD

Dancing was so natural to me, I hadn’t even realized it was therapeutic. 

But once I tuned in to the full potential of adding dance movement therapy to your personal development practice, I knew I had to share this healing art with the world.

Since then, I’ve dedicated my 31-year career to helping humans land in their body and to integrate breath and movement into their healing practice. 

My work integrates movement, the 5Rhythms, breathwork, mindfulness tools, somatic experiencing techniques, presencing and grounding tools, positive psychology and Shadow Coaching. 

And through this work, I’ve helped thousands to have breakthroughs through my in-person workshops, retreats, breathwork sessions and dance events. 

Then, in the spring of 2020, the fabric of my life changed, and I found myself back on my dance floor every morning, dancing myself back to MY soul.

This led me to publish a book, land a TEDx Talk and launch embodied soul coaching courses so that I can help anyone out there who needs assistance find ways to break through their stuck points, build resilience, and find joy in tools that work. 

I work as an Embodied Soul Coach and Transformational Experience Facilitator


My life profoundly opened up the minute I began her work

– Sarah Nutting, MaMuse

“Jacia embodies the invitation to a deep dive and the possibility to soar high. She has a presence that is breathtakingly bold and holds a space that is so exquisitely compassionate. 

My life profoundly opened up the minute I began her work both in her groups & classes and then with Jacia as a spiritual counselor and mentor. It was if I then had access to a deep inner world that I always knew existed but never quite knew how to fully access. I have such deep gratitude for the gift of her work in this world.”

[Jacia] is a trailblazer in psychology, coaching, movement and creativity

– Mariana Caplan, PhD, Psychologist & Published Author

“Jacia Kornwise’s work is intuitive, creative, deeply insightful, and based upon hard won wisdom and a lifetime commitment to the traditions she represents. 

She is a trailblazer in psychology, coaching, movement and creativity, and is a gifted guide of deep psychological healing and spiritual transformation. I highly support and recommend her work!”

Jacia is fearlessly authentic

– Jamey Jocubus, Staff Nurse at UCSF Medical Center

“I thoroughly recommend doing any kind of healing and guidance work with Jacia. I worked with her for over 7 years participating in many different ways to investigate myself, individual sessions, partner work, groups, classes and breathwork intensives. Jacia even officiated at my wedding and helped us to create our vows. 

It was life changing work for me and I attribute this to the depth of presence, compassion and loving kindness she brings to every interaction. Jacia is fearlessly authentic. She is also warm, joyful and fun. “

Wait, what exactly is Conscious Freeform Dance?

Conscious Freeform Dance (also known as Conscious Dance, Freeform Dance, Dance Therapy and Dance/Movement Therapy) is simply the act of moving your body to music, allowing you to discover exactly how you need to move from within. 

Conscious Dance teaches you to listen to your intuition and reconnect with your body’s innate wisdom. 

There are no steps to follow, no choreography to learn, you simply move in the way that feels “right” to you. 

Start your day right with my Stress Busting Morning Reset

This quick and easy morning routine is designed to get your body moving and your intuition talking so you can feel great (and stay relaxed) all day long. 

Hit the Reset Button


Stress Busting Morning Reset

Here’s why it’s a big deal you made it here today:

So many people will go through life simply going through the motions.

They’ll wake up, work and wind down for the night without ever truly connecting with their bodies or how they feel. 

As a result:

…they struggle with stress on a daily basis—the kind of stress that comes from never letting your feelings out

…they stay silent instead of speaking their truth because they don’t know how to make that feel safe in their bodies

…they feel isolated, disconnected, and lonely - even in relationships - because they’re not processing the things their body needs them to feel 

Talk therapy, though helpful, keeps you in your head, instead of helping you get into your body 

Breathwork, yoga and meditation are all wonderful resources, but when practiced on their own, they can leave you craving RELEASE from the emotions you uncover

Exercise alone - like lifting weights at the gym - may temporarily boost your mood thanks to those happy little endorphins—but it’s not connecting you with your true self, and while you might feel better for the moment, you’re not healing your soul long-term

Religious, spiritual and shamanic paths may bring you spiritual insight but often leave you disconnected from how to integrate that into your body.

It’s not that they’re not trying to change…

Most people - and likely you, before you landed here - have tried a ton of different modalities in their search for their Highest Selves…

The problem is that:

On the flipside, Conscious Freeform Dance has the power to:

Get you out of your head and back into flow << And time spent in “flow state” has been clinically proven to improve mental health*

Move stored trauma and unprocessed emotions OUT of your body—allowing you to finally release energy you’ve been holding onto since the original wound occurred

Raise your heartrate and tone your muscles, while, at the same time, allowing you to cultivate deeper self-knowledge through intentional movement and reflection on the emotions you uncover each time you dance

6 Reasons to Dance Daily if You Want to Transform your Life

People who listen to their body's rhythms and pay attention to their movements in the moment injure themselves less, and their relationships with work, love, and money improve as they are more connected to their truth. 

Dancing opens us up naturally to notice, acknowledge, accept, and feel our emotions.

 When we feel more love
 and esteem for ourselves, 
we treat ourselves better and make choices that make us more confident. 
As a result?
No more self-sabotage!

When we experience trauma, we learn to dissociate from our bodies to keep our minds safe. 

Dancing brings us back into the NOW, where our bodies and our instincts live
…where we are conscious of our own breath
…where WE are in the driver's seat again!! 

Dancing teaches us to look within ourselves and to resource our inner guidance system. 

By teaching us what our YESes and our NO’s feel like, dancing helps us stay true to who we are and what we really want.

Dancing creates space for you to step outside your comfort zone—which is where the magic happens. 

It simply takes your inner willingness to be present in your body, breathe into it, be willing to feel what comes up and move with it until it’s gone.

When we’re afraid, we go into fight, flight or freeze mode. 

But when we dance, we signal to our bodies that we’re safe, allowing us to take back control so we can move through our fears. 

Ready to see for yourself how things can change when you add daily dance to your routine?

I’m ready to dance!

7 parts of my story you might not guess at first sight

When I’m not dancing, you can find me playing with my puppy, Yoda, picking up after my teenage son, Devon ;), working on my next book, or in my garden picking fruit off the trees. 

At 19, I lost my best friend and only sibling Robby (16) to a drunk driver. This put me on the fast-track to self-development as I looked for ways to cope with my grief. (P.S. Dancing was the only thing that ever made me feel OK!)

I trained as a psychotherapist, and practiced as an intern, finishing all my hours, up until the point I had to take the final test. At that moment, I knew, I didn’t want one healing format to define me. I chose to leave that world behind so that I could express the authentic healer in me.

I was born with the initial challenge (though I later learned to see it as a gift) of being blind in my left eye. My fear told me I would never be chosen to be on stage or on screen. I later proved those beliefs to be false. 

As a teen, I dealt with an eating disorder, body hate, anxiety, low self esteem, distrust, shame, loneliness, lack of voice & a feeling of not truly fitting in. I kept most of it hidden inside of me, as I literally curled up in my closet with my feelings. When I hit my first years in college I had no choice but to listen to my heart or perish. 

Though I used to LOVE dancing on stages with friends, these days you’re more likely to find me sharing my story with audiences all over the country or leading events to help others move. Check out my most recent appearances right here. 

Because I trained as a 5Rhythms dance teacher, I can dance to any song. I’m often asked for my favorite, but my Libra nature makes it hard for me to choose just one!

Looking for my official bio? You’ll find it right here.

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It’s Time to Dance Yourself Home ●
It’s Time to Dance Yourself Home ●
It’s Time to Dance Yourself Home ●
It’s Time to Dance Yourself Home ●
It’s Time to Dance Yourself Home ●
It’s Time to Dance Yourself Home ●
It’s Time to Dance Yourself Home ●
It’s Time to Dance Yourself Home ●
It’s Time to Dance Yourself Home ●
It’s Time to Dance Yourself Home ●
It’s Time to Dance Yourself Home ●
It’s Time to Dance Yourself Home ●
It’s Time to Dance Yourself Home ●
It’s Time to Dance Yourself Home ●
It’s Time to Dance Yourself Home ●
It’s Time to Dance Yourself Home ●
It’s Time to Dance Yourself Home ●
It’s Time to Dance Yourself Home ●
It’s Time to Dance Yourself Home ●
It’s Time to Dance Yourself Home ●
It’s Time to Dance Yourself Home ●
It’s Time to Dance Yourself Home ●
It’s Time to Dance Yourself Home ●
It’s Time to Dance Yourself Home ●
It’s Time to Dance Yourself Home ●
It’s Time to Dance Yourself Home ●
It’s Time to Dance Yourself Home ●
It’s Time to Dance Yourself Home ●
It’s Time to Dance Yourself Home ●
It’s Time to Dance Yourself Home ●
It’s Time to Dance Yourself Home ●
It’s Time to Dance Yourself Home ●
It’s Time to Dance Yourself Home ●
It’s Time to Dance Yourself Home ●
It’s Time to Dance Yourself Home ●
It’s Time to Dance Yourself Home ●
It’s Time to Dance Yourself Home ●
It’s Time to Dance Yourself Home ●
It’s Time to Dance Yourself Home ●
It’s Time to Dance Yourself Home ●
It’s Time to Dance Yourself Home ●
It’s Time to Dance Yourself Home ●